Citizens Endorse Candidates
Alexandrians United for Good Government endorses former Mayor Allison Silberberg, Councilwoman Amy Jackson, Alyia Gaskins, James Lewis, and William “Bill” Rossello
Dear citizens of Alexandria,
The undersigned, a group of Alexandria citizens, are endorsing candidates for Mayor and City Council in the June 8, 2021 primary. We represent all areas of the city and have decades of experience in civic and non-profit engagement. We have come together to chart a new course for Alexandria.
We endorse for Mayor former Mayor Allison Silberberg and for City Council Councilwoman Amy Jackson, Alyia Gaskins, James Lewis, and William “Bill” Rossello.
Restore accountability, confidence and trust in city government
We are alarmed by the chasm that has developed in recent years between city government and the community. Citizen distrust of elected and appointed city officials has led to a breakdown in the consensus-driven governance and deep civic engagement Alexandrians have enjoyed for so long.
We believe our endorsed candidates will adopt policies and practices to restore accountability, confidence and trust in city government. We believe they will replace secrecy with transparency and exclusion of meaningful citizen participation with inclusion. We support stricter financial disclosure rules for the Mayor, Council members, and Planning Commission members; we support reimagining the FOIA process and limiting fees; and we support appointment of an independent ombudsman who can investigate citizen complaints. We believe that the endorsed candidates will carefully examine and seriously consider these policies and proposals.
Support appropriate development and respect neighborhoods
Alexandria is the most dense jurisdiction in the Commonwealth and among the densest cities in the United States. There has never been a comprehensive public discussion about the wisdom or the value and cost of the ever-growing population density in Alexandria.
Development proposals — especially those that go beyond what is allowed by right — have a substantial impact on Alexandria. We support a meaningful and robust discussion of the effects of development on quality of life in Alexandria, including consideration of whether development can be supported by existing school capacity, storm water management capabilities and other infrastructure. In addition, we believe that Alexandria should create and appoint a new Commission on Neighborhood Preservation. We believe that the endorsed candidates will carefully examine and seriously consider these policies and proposals.
George Foote (Central Alexandria): former member of City of Alexandria Ad Hoc Transportation Task Force
Rod Kuckro (Del Ray): former President of Alexandria Federation of Civic Associations and President of Del Ray Civic Association
Ernie Lehmann (North Old Town): former member of Alexandria Democratic Committee and board member of North Old Town Independent Citizens Association
Tom Parry (Carlyle): member of Alexandria Democratic Committee
Ginny Hines Parry (Carlyle): founder and former President of Alexandrians for Sensible Growth, former President of Clover-College Park Civic Association and board member of North Old Town Independent Citizens Association
Jack Sullivan (Central Alexandria): former Deputy Chair of Alexandria Democratic Committee and President of Seminary Hill Association
For more information, contact Rod Kuckro at