ALEXANDRIANS UNITED FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT is a non-partisan organization of Alexandria citizens. TO RESTORE ACCOUNTABILITY, CONFIDENCE AND TRUST IN CITY GOVERNMENT, WE SUPPORT: moving to non-partisan elections for Mayor and City Council – just as Alexandria does for School Board and in line with a majority of Virginia jurisdictions – and a ward system for electing City Council – six at-large council members for a city with 160,000 residents is unworkable and unfair; adopting stricter financial disclosure rules for the Mayor, Council Members, and members of the Planning Commission; appointing an independent ombudsman who can investigate citizen complaints; making publicly available the biographies and credentials of all candidates applying for appointment to city boards and commissions; and reimagining the handling of Freedom of Information Act requests, including limits on fees – citizen access to city data and documents should not be a function of income or wealth. TO PROMOTE APPROPRIATE DEVELOPMENT AND RESPECT FOR NEIGHBORHOODS IN ALEXANDRIA, WE SUPPORT: a meaningful and robust discussion of the effects of development on quality of life in Alexandria, including consideration of whether development can be supported by existing school capacity, storm water management capabilities and other infrastructure; a moratorium on development proposals that go beyond those allowed by right; and the appointment of a new Commission on Neighborhood Preservation. To learn more about Alexandrians United for Good Government, please contact Rod Kuckro at AlexandriansUnited@gmail.com.